Trust Level Requirement for Future Polls

We will be using Discourse a lot more for governance but I do believe that it is important for future serious polls (such as hard fork changes or key changes) for the Trust Level to be upped from Level 1 to Level 2.

For less important polls such as community sentiment or various community competitions, the trust level will be retained at Trust Level 1.

Trust Level 1 is a little too easy to obtain but we kept it at that to previous polls as the risk of Sybiling was low and we weren’t seeing a lot of new accounts being created all of a sudden.

Get to trust level 1 by

  • Entering at least 5 topics
  • Reading at least 30 posts
  • Spend a total of 10 minutes reading posts

Get to trust level 2 by…

  • Visiting at least 15 days, not sequentially
  • Casting at least 1 like
  • Receiving at least 1 like
  • Replying to at least 3 different topics
  • Entering at least 20 topics
  • Reading at least 100 posts
  • Spend a total of 60 minutes reading posts

Trust Level 2 is not that hard to get either but requires much more time commitment which we hope would deter most sock puppets. We still think it’s relatively easy to achieve for anyone who is reasonably active.

We will still retain the previous [For New Members] Trust Level upgrade request thread for those who have been in the community for a while but would be a lot more strict about it (more verification) for Level 2 requests.

The reason why I’m proposing to up the requirement for future polls is that we intend to have a lot more polls and active in seeking community feedback and want to make sure that we are getting feedback from those who are truly invested in the community.

Hope to hear people’s feedback here!


I suggest trust level 2 users must have some investments in firo, such as hodling at least 700 firo, for a certain amount of time (eg AT LEAST 4 months before the date of this post). It can be verified by getting the user signing a message with the address containing the coins, then you verify the output.

To do this automatically would be a bit tough since you need to constantly check it to make sure the coins aren’t moved.