Should I take a step back?

支持鲁本的决定,与大资本机构合作,让全球人都知道Firo的匿名隐私币的真正价值, 把币价和市值做起来,这是全球飞熔粉丝们众望所归的结果。

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Reuben, please step down quickly. You are the Chiang Kai-shek of Firo, you have gone out twice or three times, but in fact you are always on stage. You focus on your reputation over Firo itself, without Firo you are nothing. You weakened the community, weakened the living force, brought in outsourced forces, brought in personal friends, forcibly renamed Zcoin to Firo, and changed your own title to co-founder. You are weak and use all kinds of reasons to justify your failures. The end result of everything you do is that everything in the community is so weak, and only your power is secure. It’s really confusing, and it’s an eye-opener for me.


This is partly my fault, as I requested him to help me do Show Me The Firo.
Frankly there is no one else, other than Lucas who can help me with that, but we need someone with the tech knowledge to help out.

Lastly, being rude isn’t cool…

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Sorry, I’m rude to the evil Reuben, I’m rude to the bad guys. You didn’t see Reuben inciting others to attack me in the WeChat group, Reuben is a hypocrite, this is not the first time he has hurt me.

Stay Reuben we belive you. you best leader for FIRO.


Reuben, your knowledge and vision was a big contributor to me getting into Firo, and I assume this will be the same for many down the road.

Haters gonna hate, sorry you’re having to deal with these disingenuous attacks.


First of all Reuben thanks for sharing. Secondly and shortly Firo absolutely needs central figure s spokesman/woman and you’re doing your job marvelously :ok_hand:
In fact it’s the technology and your personality Reuben, why I have invested more into Firo in recent years.
I’m and was vested in many projects and only those who have consistence in their presentation communication and leadership are still around.
I do understand hard times in down markets, we all feel it. Reuben, we all acknowledge you’re not here forever, but please before your departure in the future nurture and lead successor who can at least fill your shoes! :pray:
Thank you for all the great work you have done and doing daily! :tophat: