New Proposed Feature: Spark Names/aliases

The core team has been working on an idea called Spark names which allows people to register names that point to Spark addresses.

This means I can register a @reuben to point to a Spark address so that people can send to @reuben instead of sm1xpudxqn667ny7d396xuhfgerpakzr3z59n2f0m7pxazau8nrz8d8jlfwatqcsqe7ae5x2n6uzc58n4lqmz0whhwny9x87gqxlqa320r84gg8j83az6l93mtndr3kfasz3aexhpslaxqg6

We’ll only do it for Spark addresses since it will be safe to share Spark addresses without compromising privacy and we want to encourage Spark address usage.

Key Proposed Features

  • Registration is for minimum of 1 year and max of 5 years
  • Cannot be renewed for longer than 5 years
  • One Spark name per Spark address. An address cannot have multiple names.
  • Registration of Spark names will have a cost. Shorter names have higher cost.
  • Firo paid for registration will be paid to the Community Fund.

Proposed Registration Costs (per year)

  • One letter: 1000 FIRO
  • Two letter: 100 FIRO
  • 3-5 letters: 10 FIRO
  • 6 letters and above: 1 FIRO

We think it’s important to have an expiry period to discourage squatting or if people don’t interact with FIRO for a while, those names become available again. Having a variable cost also makes sure people who want to pay for short vanity names need to pay more and it can be a bit of a ‘prestige’ item.

Again having a Spark name is not necessary but it is a great way to simplify sending.

There’s some complexities to work out when it comes to dealing with ‘transfers’ of Spark names to other people and deregistering. If we don’t deal with transfers or deregistration, it will be faster to code and implement.

Wanted to seek community feedback on this!

核心团队一直在研究一种名为 Spark 名称的想法,它允许人们注册指向 Spark 地址的名称。

这意味着我可以注册一个 @reuben 来指向 Spark 地址,这样人们就可以向 @reuben 发送消息,而不是 sm1xpudxqn667ny7d396xuhfgerpakzr3z59n2f0m7pxazau8nrz8d8jlfwatqcsqe7ae5x2n6uzc58n4lqmz0whhwny9x87gqxlqa320r84gg8j83az6l93mtndr3kfasz3aexhpslaxqg6

我们只针对 Spark 地址这样做,因为共享 Spark 地址不会损害隐私,而且我们希望鼓励使用 Spark 地址。


  • 注册期限至少为 1 年,最多为 5 年
  • 不能续订超过 5 年
  • 每个 Spark 地址一个 Spark 名称。一个地址不能有多个名称。
  • 注册 Spark 名称需要付费。名称越短,费用越高。
  • 注册所支付的 Firo 将支付给社区基金。


  • 一个字母:1000 FIRO
  • 两个字母:100 FIRO
  • 3-5 个字母:10 FIRO
  • 6 个字母及以上:1 FIRO

我们认为设置有效期很重要,以防止抢注,或者如果人们一段时间内不与 FIRO 互动,这些名称将再次可用。可变成本还可以确保想要为短虚荣名称付费的人需要支付更多费用,这可能是一种“声望”项目。

同样,拥有 Spark 名称不是必需的,但它是简化发送的好方法。

在处理将 Spark 名称“转移”给其他人和注销时,需要解决一些复杂问题。如果我们不处理转移或注销,编码和实施将更快。


كان الفريق الأساسي يعمل على فكرة تسمى أسماء Spark والتي تسمح للأشخاص بتسجيل الأسماء التي تشير إلى عناوين Spark.

هذا يعني أنه يمكنني تسجيل @reuben للإشارة إلى عنوان Spark حتى يتمكن الأشخاص من الإرسال إلى @reuben بدلاً من sm1xpudxqn667ny7d396xuhfgerpakzr3z59n2f0m7pxazau8nrz8d8jlfwatqcsqe7ae5x2n6uzc58n4lqmz0whhwny9x87gqxlqa320r84gg8j83az6l93mtndr3kfasz3aexhpslaxqg6

سنفعل ذلك فقط لعناوين Spark لأنه سيكون من الآمن مشاركة عناوين Spark دون المساس بالخصوصية ونريد تشجيع استخدام عناوين Spark.

الميزات الرئيسية المقترحة

  • التسجيل لمدة لا تقل عن عام واحد ولا تزيد عن 5 أعوام
  • لا يمكن تجديده لأكثر من 5 أعوام
  • اسم Spark واحد لكل عنوان Spark. لا يمكن أن يحتوي العنوان على أسماء متعددة.
  • تسجيل أسماء Spark سيكون له تكلفة. الأسماء الأقصر لها تكلفة أعلى.
  • سيتم دفع Firo المدفوعة للتسجيل إلى صندوق المجتمع.

تكاليف التسجيل المقترحة (لكل عام)

  • حرف واحد: 1000 FIRO
  • حرفين: 100 FIRO
  • 3-5 أحرف: 10 FIRO
  • 6 أحرف وما فوق: 1 FIRO

نعتقد أنه من المهم أن يكون هناك فترة انتهاء صلاحية لمنع التطفل أو إذا لم يتفاعل الأشخاص مع FIRO لفترة من الوقت، تصبح هذه الأسماء متاحة مرة أخرى. إن وجود تكلفة متغيرة يضمن أيضًا أن الأشخاص الذين يرغبون في الدفع مقابل أسماء قصيرة باهظة الثمن يحتاجون إلى دفع المزيد ويمكن أن يكون عنصرًا “مرموقًا”.

مرة أخرى، ليس من الضروري أن يكون لديك اسم Spark، لكنه طريقة رائعة لتبسيط الإرسال.

هناك بعض التعقيدات التي يجب حلها عندما يتعلق الأمر بالتعامل مع “نقل” أسماء Spark إلى أشخاص آخرين وإلغاء التسجيل. إذا لم نتعامل مع عمليات النقل أو إلغاء التسجيل، فسيكون الترميز والتنفيذ أسرع.

أردنا الحصول على تعليقات المجتمع حول هذا الأمر!

Çekirdek ekip, insanların Spark adreslerine işaret eden adları kaydetmelerine olanak tanıyan Spark adları adlı bir fikir üzerinde çalışıyor.

Bu, insanların sm1xpudxqn667ny7d396xuhfgerpakzr3z59n2f0m7pxazau8nrz8d8jlfwatqcsqe7ae5x2n6uzc58n4lqmz0whhwny9x87gqxlqa320r84gg8j83az6l93mtndr3kfasz3aexhpslaxqg6 yerine @reuben’e gönderebilmeleri için bir Spark adresini işaret eden bir @reuben kaydedebileceğim anlamına geliyor.

Gizliliği tehlikeye atmadan Spark adreslerini paylaşmak güvenli olacağından ve Spark adres kullanımını teşvik etmek istediğimizden bunu yalnızca Spark adresleri için yapacağız.

Önerilen Temel Özellikler

  • Kayıt en az 1 yıl ve en fazla 5 yıl içindir
  • 5 yıldan uzun süre yenilenemez
  • Spark adresi başına bir Spark adı. Bir adreste birden fazla ad olamaz.
  • Spark adlarının kaydının bir maliyeti olacaktır. Daha kısa adların maliyeti daha yüksektir.
  • Kayıt için ödenen Firo Topluluk Fonu’na ödenecektir.

Önerilen Kayıt Maliyetleri (yıllık)

  • Bir harf: 1000 FIRO
  • İki harf: 100 FIRO
  • 3-5 harf: 10 FIRO
  • 6 harf ve üzeri: 1 FIRO

Çömelmeyi engellemek için bir son kullanma tarihi olmasının önemli olduğunu düşünüyoruz veya insanlar bir süre FIRO ile etkileşime girmezse, bu adlar tekrar kullanılabilir hale gelir. Değişken bir maliyete sahip olmak, kısa gösterişli adlar için ödeme yapmak isteyen kişilerin daha fazla ödeme yapması gerektiğinden emin olur ve bu biraz ‘prestij’ öğesi olabilir.

Tekrar ediyorum, bir Spark adına sahip olmak gerekli değil ancak göndermeyi basitleştirmenin harika bir yoludur.

Spark adlarının diğer kişilere ‘transferi’ ve kayıttan silinmesiyle ilgili olarak çözülmesi gereken bazı karmaşıklıklar var. Transferler veya kayıttan silinmelerle ilgilenmezsek, kodlamak ve uygulamak daha hızlı olacaktır.

Bu konuda topluluktan geri bildirim almak istedim!


هذا رائع روبين

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Amazing idea, love it!

My initial thought:
It should be implemented programmatically with some sort of smart contract.

My concern would be thus:
Say an organization, let’s arbitrarily call it organization “y” for instance, purchases the one letter alias “@Y”, then some government somewhere gets very angry at them for promoting freedom of speech, and that grouchy govt’ through corrupt courts somewhere, orders the FIRO team to seize the “@Y” alias, confiscating corporation Y’s incoming funds.

I feel like to facilitate adoption and confidence the domain/alias should be just as immutable as any spark address, and auditable or verifiable, with the ability to look up the spark address that the alias resolves to.

To compare it to an existing framework: Imagine a domain name registrar that codes the domain name registrations, for the length of the purchased registration, into a blockchain in a way those registered domain names are unable to be seized by corrupt institutions holding power.

my2¢, ty


The registration happens onchain and the ‘core team’ can’t seize or change it. There’s no centralized database as all the registrations are logged on-chain.

Yes you can always look up an alias and see which Spark address it resolves to as the Spark address itself does not reveal information about its contents or when it receives or sends out funds.

Of course when the wallet scans the blockchain it will take note of these registrations and keep an internal database so it is fast to query.

Also remember that knowledge of the Spark address does not mean you know where the funds are so core team also cannot seize or blacklist funds.


So if I register name and start to use it to accept payments then after maximally 5 years I will automatically lose it? And after some time some squatter may get it?

You can renew it at any time. Just that if you have 3 years left, you can only top it up to 5 years, not more. This is so, if let’s say someone passes on or just loses the wallet, the alias will eventually expire. It also creates a renewable economy and continuous income flow that goes back to the project.

We saw some other ‘alias’ implementations that have perpetual aliases meaning once you register it’s yours forever but I think that’s not very fair nor a sustainable model. I think a 1 FIRO minimum entry point is a low ask and only if you want more ‘vain’ names then you pay a premium.

There will be prompts and a UI to manage your Spark name registrations and expiries. So if you use your wallet often, you can always choose to keep it topped up.


Thank you for explanation. It makes sense to me now.

I like the idea.

After reading through the post and replies, I like this idea :+1:

This should be a great idea. I vote for this

Appreciate the response.
I love everything about FIRO so far and I think this new alias / “Spark Names” idea will be popular and add value. I imagine I will register one or two.

Also if at some point the community fund doesn’t need it, each registration of Spark name alias, the fee could be ‘burnt’ instead reducing FIRO supply.


Good idea.

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Beyond excited to see this proposed as a feature, especially that fees would be sent to the Community Fund. But I would propose changing the maximum registration period to 2 years and change the other tiers accordingly, e.g. 2Y, 1Y, 6M, 3M, something like that to discourage excessive name squatting.

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Its a good idea, if it doesnt take too long to implement (and costs too much in dev-time).

Personally I dont care for something like that, Im sure initially people will go for the 1 firo - 6+ name … until the novelty wears off or they find out they dont use it all that often and stop renewing.

+1 : I am absolutely OK with this opinion.
I think development budgets should be used for more useful things. And if there is nothing more useful, then it is urgent to reduce development budgets that contribute to the FIRO price decline.

For information, another very bad news for FIRO: the Firo/BTC pair is delisted on Binance (at least in my European country).

We’ve been talking about this pair since March and we agreed to focus liquidity on the FIRO/USDT pair.

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I think a name registration feature would be very useful for the Firo project, but only if it was easy to use. It’s important that the process of registering and managing names is intuitive and user-friendly.
Adding features such as an expiration date and the ability to renew the name would be key to giving users control over their registered names. This would prevent names from being lost and allow for long-term management.
I hope that the fees from name registration will be used for Firo development, not for personal gain. I believe that project development should be the priority, not generating profits for individuals.

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Hi @reuben and team.
I want to suggest a new feature:

  • Spark Name transfer: As a Spark Name owner, I want to transfer my Spark Name to another guy. After submit the transfer request, the address should be changed to the new address, and the ownership should be transferred also.

That means the Spark Address can transfer/sale their name. I hope the community can take a look on this idea and discuss on this.


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Great suggestion it’s something we have thought about but so far the schemes that we have worked out require both parties to exchange some information to each other which works fine but would add a lot of development time. We probably would launch it without this feature first then add it on after.

We do have a ‘deregistration’ function planned that would allow you to deregister the alias.


If it is implemented as planned - there seems to be a smaller chance that people would register a bunch of ‘really good names’ and sit on them to try and make a profit (if they can’t sell them). But if you make it easy to register and then transfer ownership it may open up a ‘scalping market’ for some people to just register names and try and make a large profit by selling them. This happens a lot with concert tickets as well as with domain names to some extent. I like the basic idea of Spark names/aliases - we just need to be aware of potential issues - and find a way to work around them.