Build FIRO voting system

Because of the voting mechanism that is currently running that it is impossible to transparently display whether the person behind the ID is a Firo responsible-investor or an enemy.
Let masternode holders vote to decide. No need to express any objections in the community, waste time making unnecessary arguments, directly vote down if disagree,the forum will have a new look.

Writing the above comment, one masternode only $3,000,
Anyone in the forum who says that he is a small investor who needs to be protected, if have confidence in Firo, are a responsible investor, you can afford one masternode to vote for your opinion


Thisbis being discussed as something like quadratic voting or just one coin one vote

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I personally would agree that having voted done by people who own a MN maybe is the right thing to do just like Dash as it shows some kind of commitment to the project.

However, first anyone can set up a MN to vote and then take it out. I’ve seen this happening g in Dash when important things are proposed.

Second, unfortunately having MN vote could be dangerous as if you have whales controlling lots of MN they can pretty much vote for wherever they wish for with YES/NO and go their way.

It’s not as simple as it seems from the outside. It needs a thought process and right execution.

Finally, to say $3000 is not a lot of money is little foolish. $3k is actually quite a lot of money especially for ordinary folks around the world.


We can restrict voting for long term holders only so, we avoid whales and hit and run traders.

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Don’t worry about that the whales will influence the result. If the result is not good, those whales will lose very much. So they have to vote siriously. We should welcome more whales to join


And more whales’ buying Firo will influence more people include the whales’ followers to buy Firo.

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Well, it doesn’t work like that. Just look how governments and super rich people decides what is best for them, using system for their selfish benefit and doesn’t care about benefit of normal people.


It is a tempting suggestion. The old dash code is there.

But more thought is required:

  • Does everyone forget Tim so quickly. He was a whale with a high percentage of master-nodes at that time along with his followers. He tried to take over the coin and change it to fit his personal requirements.
    When he did not get what he wanted he dumped and dumped and tried to destroy the coin
  • Who should vote: someone with ‘skin in the game’ such as long term node holder. But again this can be gamed over time.
    One coin one vote is a non-starter IMHO. Buy coin, vote, sell coin does not show any sacrifice/opportunity cost.

I am sure there are many more edge cases

Let us consider them carefully


If you consider more masternode for voting, then it is what Tim did in the past. Do you want the rich control this coin? not community?

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Long term investors must have the right to decide project decision because they have the full risk holding coins for long time so, they believe in project and their profit is profit also for project, they have risk on their shoulders.
I do not know about Tim but if he is a long term investor then he have the right to decide about project decesions. It is fair to think like that “no risk no gain no decesions” .


What is community risk?
What they will lose when project die?

We talk about majorty of really holders have the right to decide because they risk their money not just their words.


如果当初没有把 Tim 踢走,并且建立良好的投票制度,适当的分享一些权力给资产阶级,也许 Firo 就不会做成今天这个样子。老实说我们应该停止对 Tim 的诽谤了,我了解他,他没那么坏,他对 Firo 做了很多贡献,而得到的待遇却是不公平的。

主节点投票虽然有很多缺点,但目前的论坛投票也好不到哪里去。我们应该建立一个良好平衡的投票系统,团结所有能够为 Firo 出钱出力的人。


I like seeing that our community comes from all over the world but can I ask, why don’t you translate your post in English so most can understand it?


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Indeed, I have to admit that TIM has taken XZC to a very high level and made many people realize that XZC, although you have been advocating that price doesn’t matter, isn’t most people in the world attracted by price fluctuations and spikes? BTC, ETH and DOGE have established their positions just because their prices have been rising. No one will pay attention to such a small currency with such a low price. What Tim wants to do is indeed for interests, but does it bring more fame and investors to the currency at the same time? Since Tim left, we haven’t seen the coin flourish, the opposite team is miserable, the investors are gone, and everyone is miserable.


Without a good represetative voting system we can not reach good decisions for project. So a good representative voting system is a necessity at first, then we can move forward about project general decesions.

让社区保持多样性(包括语言多样性)是有好处的,这就是为什么论坛的帖子下方有一个「:globe_with_meridians: 翻译」按钮。


如果希望自己变得强大,我们就不能责怪别人,无论是责怪团队、Reuben 还是责怪 Tim。因为一切都是你自身的错。投资也是自己的事情,亏了是自己的错。更不要说人身攻击和诽谤当然是绝对禁止的。如果你觉得 Firo 实在是无可救药,你其实是有权利 Fork 的,否则的话建议还是多做建设性的事情和发声。

另外 Reuben 也已经写过一篇关于投票机制的帖子了,建议提倡纯币投票的人也看看这个:Poll on Firo Block Reward Division - #201 by reuben

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关于鲸鱼的问题,我的观点是: 我们要学会与鲸鱼共存,而不是把鲸鱼赶走。


Yes, just like the enterprise, the person with the most equity should have a bigger say, after all, no one with a high equity will harm themselves.