ZcoinWalletbackup.dat file from ZcoinCoreWallet to FiroCoreWallet?

My tokens are on a “.dat” file from the old Zcoin Core wallet (ZcoinWalletbackup.dat). How to recover its with the new Firo Core Wallet?
Thanks in advance for any help.

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Please create a backup of this file (ZcoinWalletbackup.dat) and leave it untouched. We will reuse this backup if anything goes wrong.

  • Have you installed the Firo Core wallet and ran it once?
  • Did you generated a new wallet? Is the new wallet empty? If yes, we can safely ignore the new wallet. If the new wallet is not empty, please create a backup of this new wallet as well.
  • If you did not generate a new wallet, copy the ZcoinWalletbackup.dat into the Firo data directory and rename it to wallet.dat.

The wallet will be loaded at the next start of Firo Core. It will take some time to start up as it scans the blockchain for all the relevant transactions with your wallet.

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It’s working well. Thanks so much Anwar.

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