Weekly Firo Development Meeting Minutes

Week 1 April 2023

Lelantus Spark

  • There is an UI issue with searching Spark-type transactions in the explorer. Levon is nearly done fixing it.
  • Levon is investigating an issue with spending amounts exceeding the limit on Spark.
  • There is a small bug in creating mint transactions, which can be fixed rather quickly. It is planned to remove the Spark mint limits.
  • Peter is looking at the state of Spark by going through the research paper and code. He did some small fixes in the code and reviewed the code.
  • Levon is investigating and fixing the isMine() function bug. This requires several hours of testing.
  • Testing on Devnet and Regtest continues. Testnet deployment will be discussed later in the week.

Firo Client

  • Sproxet is finishing the test for Firo Client upgrades.


  • FiroDex: Gevorg is investigating the internal Update function in FiroDex and found out that this issue also happens on AtomicDex.
  • MasternodeTool: Gevorg investigated the blank configurations problem. The previous version of znodetool had no problem with it and took steps to identify the issue.