Weekly Firo Development Meeting Minutes

Week 1 March 2023

Lelantus Spark

  • Levon is testing Spark functionality and did some minor fixes related to rough transaction parsing.
  • The required changes for Spark devnet explorer have been done. There are still small changes to be made to insight-ui-zcoin. Some changes to several repositories supporting devnet for Explorer are needed as it is a new network. This will need 2-3 days to complete.
  • Binaries builtwith GUIX crashes upon reaching Spark batch verification; manually built binaries have no problem.
  • Levon is continuing to test the mobile Spark lib and API in order to complete it by the end of the week.
  • Arcadia has been engaged to assist with the GUI for Spark

getbalance issue

  • Peter continues to try fixing the issue leading to the tx that can’t get into the mempool. He found out the fix was not that easy. It was thought that the test that was done last week was proof that something could happen, but when reproducing the issue, the transaction goes to the mempool normally. It is tricky, as the transaction can’t get to the mempool during the send to RPC call, but it can get into the mempool via the send raw transaction RPC call. This will be addressed and is not a fatal issue, as zapwallettxes=1 will do the trick.
  • He found a way to reproduce the issue by adding several large transactions in quick succession to the mempool. Then there will be an error regarding the “too long mempool chain”. This is a problem when you cannot link too many UTXOs on unconfirmed mempool transactions. There is a way to fix this problem by trying to add the transaction first to the mempool and only then marking the UTXO as spent on the wallet.


  • FiroDex: Gevorg finished and is preparing for the 0.5.7 release. AtomicDEX has a .1 release. We might need to open a PR on KomodoPlatform/coins for the lack of a local config file in this new release and some missing Electrumx servers.
  • MasternodeTool: There was some work done on it.
  • Ledger live: Gevorg will be continuing to work on integrating Firo on Ledger live.