Weekly Firo Development Meeting Minutes

Week 3 February 2023

Lelantus Spark

  • Levon was cleaning up and fixing some bugs on unit tests.
  • Levon is finalizing the implementation of Spark support for Explorer.
  • There are some tests and preparation before launching the testnet.
  • Mobile Spark:
    • Levon finalizing everything related to mobile APIs. There are some minor improvements to be made to lib code for mobile. The documentation for mobile implementation is being prepared.
  • To support Spark RPC calls, some changes must be made to electurmx.

Bug: wallet not displaying transactions

  • Peter found the cause of the wallet problem because it got corrupted. Transactions are missing from non-HD wallet.dat. During a rescan, somehow the wallet tx was not rescanned and put into the wallet. To recover the transactions for this wallet using the private key and public addresses of blockchain data to create a new wallet and spend from that (short term fix)


  • Peter will be trying to figure out how to fix the wallet scanning code to avoid any issues in the future.


  • Electrum-Firo: Gevorg finally finished with the build process and it works well. There are problems with the macOS packaging, but it will be fixed in a few hours. The Windows and Linux versions worked well. PR that supports Ledger Nano S Plus will need to be merged to support it.
  • FiroDex: Gevorg is almost finished with it.