Week 2 October
Lelantus Spark
- Levon worked on several Spark tasks:
- Spark RPC tests and RPC code implementations.
- Did some bug fixes and have some code to be pushed.
- Trying to finalize fixing some failing tests within this week.
- To work on Lelantus to Spark remint code (for transitioning privacy protocol). It will not be as difficult because it will just create transactions when spending Lelantus, creating Spark mint based on UTXO.
- Peter reviewed some Spark code and looked at Sproxet comments. Peter will write a large number of reviews all at once.
Bug fixes
- Peter fixed a major bug with the transaction index problem, but one minor bug remains. Still investigating it. The last resort is to update the code with the most recent bitcoin code, but this will involve a significant amount of work.
- The fix to prevent certain large transactions from being created is working except when coincontrol is used to manually select inputs. A transaction was created, but it did not go into the mempool. The task was given to Gevorg to look into it. This task will be on hold until Sproxet’s transaction creation code is completed.
- Levon will be creating a PR to merge mobile_api branch to master. Enabling it will require “-mobile” flag. This will simplify running mobile firod as there will be one binary version instead of two separate ones currently.
- Ledger Live: Gevorg finished account syncing tests and will start working on the send stuff next.
- Firo-QT: Gevorg fixed the UI issue and hid the RAP tab and will add an option for it to be displayed in options.
- FiroDEX: AtomicDEX recently had a PR opened and a new release will be out soon 0.5.7. Gevorg will wait for a new update before applying to FiroDEX
- Spork extension: The community is leaning in favor to extend spork. Will close the first question at the end of October 2022 regarding the extension of the current Lelantus emergency switch or letting it expire to give time for the ecosystem to update before the holidays.
Transaction IS Lock
New mining pools are having issues with IS locked transactions causing blocks which included this transaction to be rejected by quorum. This is a remnant of the earlier block generation bug from July wheresome transactions were dropped from the mempool but are still locked… There are 3 possible solutions to solve this:
- Solution 1: Find the raw transaction and rebroadcast it.
- Solution 2: Do a workaround which includes a list of transactions for which the lock can be dropped at a certain point of time
- Solution 3: To introduce a mechanism to automatically drop the lock after some timeouts (eg time out after 3 months) [Hard]