To increase the number of nodes, it's time to start Master Node D-Day

Since the node reward increased to 50%, we can see that the number of nodes has not increased (or even decreased). What should we do to continuously add new nodes, not only to increase the enthusiasm of people to establish new nodes, but also to make people reluctant to delete old nodes? I think we should do the following:

First, start Master Node D-day. nodes that was established before D-day and is running is called a Firo seed node. For convenience in the following sections, we assume that the total number of Firo seed nodes for D-day is 5000.

Second, only the seed nodes are rewarded. In fact, even if all 21.4 million Firo coins are used to create nodes, only 21400 nodes can be created in total, 5000 seed nodes are safe we can set node rewards to be distributed only between seed nodes.

Third, the longer the seed node runs, the more rewards it gets. Setting a formula from D-day onwards, the longer the seed node runs, the more rewards it will get each time than the nodes with shorter runtime. For example, if the A seed node has been running for 8 months since D-day, it will receive more rewards each time than the B seed node, which has only been running for 4 months.

Fourth, how the newly created node becomes a seed node. This is critical because two settings can be made: (1) Of the 5000 seed nodes, the old node must be deleted before the newly created node can become the new seed node according to the establishment time. For example, if 5 out of 5,000 seed nodes are deleted, the corresponding 5 earliest newly created nodes automatically become new seed nodes. (2) If the new node runs continuously for more than a certain period of time (for example, 2 months), it will automatically become the new seed node. For example, new nodes A, B, and C have been running for two consecutive months. They will all be automatically converted to seed nodes. The seed nodes will become 5003, and the new seed nodes will be rewarded.

Believe me, through these mechanisms, there will be more and more new master nodes.

Finally, if it is successfully implemented, please remember to give 0.1 Firo awards to excellent me:aDWyzoZUHdhs4EUEzGKwxRs4TjrDmJHVSo


Remember that masternodes take turns to get the reward and the reward per block is fixed. Each block, one masternode is rewarded.

To have dynamic block rewards means your emission becomes irregular.

This is not disturbing the original order

It does…Because emission is 6.25 FIRO per block. If you have changing masternode rewards, meaning some blocks would have more than 6.25 and some less?

If more than 6.25 and some less is impossible(The Third), do you think the other suggestions above can be realized?

It’s actually quite an interesting concept. Tokenomics wise & for security.
Below could be a different variation of your concept.
Let’s say we set a maximum number of ‘on duty’ nodes at 2500.
The 2500 nodes get the entire 50% block reward distributed between them in a similar queue system we have now (thus maintain stable block reward).

However then we have a separate queue of ‘off duty’ nodes waiting for a node in the 2500 ‘on duty’ nodes to go ‘offline’ i.e. sold off or experience prolonged technical issues. Once an ‘on duty’ node goes offline, the next in-line ‘off duty’ node takes its place and becomes ‘on duty’.

This would improve security. Right now an attacker can purchase enough coins to attack the network and it wouldn’t be that expensive for certain entities. However with a cap of 2500 ‘on duty’ nodes. The attacker would have to wait a really long time before they could get enough of their ‘off duty’ nodes into the ‘on duty’ pool to inflict harm.

This mimics the advantage ASICS have over nodes. Coins are very easily accessible on exchanges, which is usually a good thing. Not so good if an attacker wants those easily purchased coins to mount an attack. ASICS are scarce in themselves, and sourcing enough of them to mount an attack is hard because only so many are manufactured, and often they are ‘out of stock’.

Second is the tokenomics. The crowd in the ‘on duty’ group had to wait quite a long time to enjoy those high yield returns. They are not likely to want to sell them off just because of a sudden pump (which we saw recently)

But we have more than 2500 nodes I hear you say?
Well those nodes can be ‘grandfartherd in’. i.e. all 3700 will be ‘on duty’ but all new nodes will have to wait in the ‘off duty’ queue. Eventually people will sell off, and node counts in the ‘on duty’ pool will fall to 2500. At which point, when another ‘on duty’ node goes offline, the next in-line '‘off duty’ node takes its place. At this point the system will function as intended. This mechanism could also work for halvings also, where the max. ‘on duty’ node count would drop to 1250, and so on.

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i like thinking about tokenomic models, but imho, if i would found firo right now and see that some “long term holder elite” are privileged and it is very hard to reach this circle, i wouldn`t touch it.


To me it makes more sense to reward stability and endurance which long running masternodes are indicative of. I wouldn’t say it has to be an “elite”, but more of a well placed incentive.