NonKYC Liquidity provided by Power Up Privacy

Power Up Privacy has provided 50 k USD worth of liquidity to support liquidity on since it supports Spark addresses and also has minimal KYC requirements.

If you aren’t on NonKYC yet, consider signing up using our referral link to help support the Firo project.

While NonKYC has been a huge supporter of Firo in supporting our privacy features, as always, it’s still a centralized exchange that can be shutdown. Remember not your keys, not your coins! This is the case with any centralized exchange but even more so with those with potential regulatory risk.

So use NonKYC to swap in and out with high on-chain privacy as long as you use Spark addresses but don’t use it to hold your balances there unless you have a reason to!

You can also add FIRO to liquidity pools in NonKYC and earn swap fees. This works similar to AMMs in DEXes so make sure you understand the risks of impermanent loss!


A detailed thread on this @reuben


Huuge. Gonna go get some rn


haha … maybe a short vid

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