Hi Guys,
I would like to nominate myself to participate as a member of the Community Fund Committee.
My name is Rasikh Morani, CEO of The Arcadia Group, a blockchain software development and security company.
As of current, Arcadia is a very recently active contractor within the Firo space, with our most recent contract being a BSC farming frontend and smart contracts.
Some products we’ve worked on in the firo space include:
- Contributions to the Firo Electron Wallet
- Contributions to the Firo Electrum Wallet
- Contributions to the Firo Core (for Receiver Address Privacy/BIP47)
- We funded @rehrar 's Campfire wallet
- I made the old (now deprecated) Firo Telegram Tipbot
- We made the Firo Rosetta Implementation
Firo was actually one of my early (near first client and first “real”) clients in the space, without Firo Arcadia would have had a much lesser likelihood of getting off the ground and reaching where it is today.
My personal beliefs in regards to the best routes for incentivizing growth within the community include
Funding projects that bring relevant practical utilization into the ecosystem
What does this mean-- This means funding products that bring forth the value of retail benefits to privacy, i.e. small every day usecases where privacy is relevant.
Funding projects that can self-sustain and return value
While it maybe unpopular, the capital intensive machine that exists in other ecosystems is not prevalent within the Firo ecosystem, meaning that projects that intend to use community funds to build commercial or non-commercial projects (that are not-pure-FOSS contributions), should prior to funding have terms that return capital to the community. I don’t propose acting VC like, but the scarcity of capital puts forth the need to bring forth relevant return value external to increases in token prices.
My Availability
Due to my involvement with Arcadia, and other ventures and communities, I can contribute a small amount of time to the CFC. Which may be a tradeoff in my proposed involvement. However I feel with the limited amount of time I am able to contribute I may be able to bring a substantive amount of value.
Happy to answer any questions here or on my other social media (i.e. rasikhmorani on twitter and telegram). If you forum reply here, please tag me elsewhere to notify me as I open this forum like once a year usually