Looking for Feedback: Firo Manifesto

Yeah I see your point on that. Kenshin above suggested

Firo wants to be a private currency and store of value.
Firo is firmly focused on being a private currency & store of value, while also being compatible for integrations into other chains for smart contracts and other ideas.”

I might just modify the header to

Firo is a currency first and foremost.

Then the text explains that Firo wants to be compatible with these other ideas through integrations, Elysium layer, etc., but the core of the project is a privacy currency/SoV.

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reuben,very professional explanation, with slogan, easy to understand.

To the public:EasyPay, Anti-inflation, Appreciation;

To old money:PrivacyPay,Hide savings Master,Absolutely hide your reserves.





Monero : a privacy coin for CPU miner
Firo : a privacy coin for GPU miner

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It used to be, but not any longer to my knowledge. We currently use the FiroPoW mining algo, and I don’t believe there is any way to make that run on CPUs as it is designed specifically with GPUs in mind.

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It’s possible but won’t be that efficient for it.

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This is a great baseline for firo’s goals

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Locking this topic for now since there has been no significant replies for months.

If anyone has anything substantial to add, they can create a new topic and refer to this thread.