Lets get Firo included on privacy coin lists and increase our exposure

Below is an example of a list we should really be on. The Firo community misses out when we are not included.

It looks like the original list was only 5 coins, but later added beam which I assume was due to requests from the Beam community. This is something we should be doing.
Considering Beam is using privacy tech Firo created, we really deserve to be included and it shouldn’t be too difficult to make our case.
Maybe Lucas can advise us the best way to approach them, and what things we should mention?

It would be great if everyone can help collate a list of privacy coin articles/lists where Firo is not included. Then we can get to work making our case to them.

Some of these lists are ordered by market cap, so there isn’t much we can do on those right now.


that’s kind of the problem with firo, we are not recognized enough outside while tokens using OUR TECHNOLOGY are!

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For this particular article, I would suggest the first avenue to take is twitter. https://twitter.com/SSeth20 is the writer of the article, so even though they don’t appear to be active on Twitter it would still be good to tag them. The second person to tag would be Investopedia whose Twitter is this: https://twitter.com/investopedia and then reference the particular article so they know what we’re talking about.

This page does a very in-depth comparison of Firo’s cryptography/privacy protocol vs other privacy coins: How Firo's Privacy Technology Compares to the Competition | Firo - Privacy-preserving cryptocurrency but a really good avenue to leverage is that Dash is looking at Lelantus Spark for future privacy protocol, and Monero is going to adopt Seraphis which is modified Lelantus Spark! So two of their top privacy coins on the list are adopting the wonderful privacy protocol created by Firo. If two of their top privacy coins think Firo’s cryptography/privacy protocol is good enough for them, then it should be more than enough for us to be considered a top privacy coin and be on the list. Worth adding is precisely how our tech works. Remember that Firo is a burn and mint/redeem coin - anonymized coins go to our accumulator with an anonymity set of 2^16 (which is much, much, much larger than Monero’s), and later on when coins are spent they will only show as coming from the accumulator!

Investopedia also allows you to contact them directly with the “contact us” option at the bottom. They do not provide an email, but you are able to provide your information as well as being able to select “Article Update” as your request. At the immediate moment, these seem like the two best avenues to reach out to Investopedia to get us added to the list (and potentially any future lists)

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While we’re at it, I would like to bring up something else as well.
As I assume everyone is well aware of already, Reuben is stepping back from the limelight. All of the interviews and such that you will be seeing from him from here on out were all already scheduled and so he is finishing them.

However, there is one specific situation Reuben is willing to make an exception for. Reuben would really like to have an interview with SethForPrivacy: https://twitter.com/sethforprivacy
Let’s reach out to him on Twitter and see if we can get him to agree to talk with Reuben!