Issue to synchronize Campfire wallet on Linux

A few days ago I downloaded and created the Campfire v.2.0.2 for linux wallet without problems. The problem is that it does not synchronize, I have let it act for days and nothing, I have also changed nodes and nothing synchronizes. The connection with Tor without problems and with the node there is no connection problem either. The synchronization starts and remains at 30% and is supposedly synchronizing. I am connected by modem. Please help. The other thing I wanted to comment on is that I have downloaded Reference v0.14.14.0 for Linux and created a wallet with the same seed phrase that the Campfire wallet created, this Reference wallet synchronizes perfectly but I don’t understand why it has created a wallet address totally different from the Campfire wallet…

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  1. Which nodes did you add/changed? Were they the official Firo Electrumx servers?

  2. The Campfire wallet rotates addresses so that you won’t reuse them, breaking privacy. Do you see the same balance on both wallets?


Hello, thanks for responding. Yes, they were the official Firo Electrumx servers nodes, they gave them to me on the telegram channel, they all connected without problem.

Regarding the balance, it is at 0. I made a transfer from Binance to the wallet to test the network and the wallet, but I did not use spark but transparent, so with the Campfire wallet I will not be able to know if the transfer arrived because it does not fully synchronize and Reference wallet, if it is completely synchronized, it shows me 0.

That’s why I asked about different wallet addresses. Campfire created a wallet address and Reference created another wallet address from both Spark and Transparent. And I made the transfer to the Campfire wallet address.


Could you try resyncing your Campfire wallet again, but without Tor? Does it complete to 100%? Also, try clearing the Electrumx cache before doing this.

Both wallets should give you the same transparent address if using the same seed. Did you enabled any advanced options during wallet creation, such as BIP39 passphrase/additional passphrase?

In the Reference (Qt) wallet, you can go to Help → Debug Window → Console and enter listaddressbalances to get a list of transparent addresses.

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