Is Dandelion++ used for all transactions like with remote nodes provided in the Firo wallets?
Or is Dandelion++ that Firo uses only used with a local Full node your running like with the case of Monero?
I’m confused about this and just would like to know how it is used not how the protocal works.
I was reading a Chainalysis story about tracking Monero via them running remotenodes and it stated Dandelion++ was only used in Monero’s case if you ran your own local Full node.
Unlike in Monero where a lot of people use remote nodes, in Firo most people use their own nodes or rely on the Electrums servers hosted by Cypherstack/core.
Of course you can also host your own Electrumx servers but it’s also less likely for Chainlysis running their own remote nodes on Firo unless they compromise core or Cypherstack.
Thanks for clarifying on this when comparing to the different firo wallets.
Has there been any type of research in the crypto sphere on something like Dandelion++ but implemented in a way that work for broadcasting via remote nodes?
I think its great to use your own nodes for sake of self ownership like what crypto used to be about…but feel it may not be realistic for mobile users or all users. That said I will be looking at running a full node myself.
As of block 976713, the blockchain is at 7.4 GB. It is not de facto pruned, but a lot smaller than our blockchain before MTP headers were stripped (70GB++)
You can store the blockchain in an external hard drive with the -datadir flag at startup.
MTP PoW (Merkle Tree Proofs) was our previous mining algorithm before the current one (FiroPoW).
The headers for blocks mined with MTP are at 200kB each whether the block is empty or not. Running a node with the non-stripped blockchain size is a pain given how small Firo is.