Is Dandelion++ used by default?

Is Dandelion++ used for all transactions like with remote nodes provided in the Firo wallets?
Or is Dandelion++ that Firo uses only used with a local Full node your running like with the case of Monero?

I’m confused about this and just would like to know how it is used not how the protocal works.
I was reading a Chainalysis story about tracking Monero via them running remotenodes and it stated Dandelion++ was only used in Monero’s case if you ran your own local Full node.


Dandelion++ is used if you run Firo Qt (a full node wallet) or firod, unless explicitly disabled in configuration.

It is not used in the following, as the protocol used is different (Electrumx):

  • Electrum Firo ↔ Electrumx servers
  • Campfire wallet ↔ Campfire server (also Electrumx-type server)
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Unlike in Monero where a lot of people use remote nodes, in Firo most people use their own nodes or rely on the Electrums servers hosted by Cypherstack/core.

Of course you can also host your own Electrumx servers but it’s also less likely for Chainlysis running their own remote nodes on Firo unless they compromise core or Cypherstack.

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I dropped content about DANDELION++ and how it works on Firo @reuben check it out