Funding proposal. 'Pro' Annual Subscription to


Zoom sucks. The quality isn’t great in both audio and video. Recordings also sometimes have audio/video sync issues. records locally so don’t have compression or connection issues.

How much?

50 Firo’s if donations goals are completed before the 50% off voucher ends. Regular price would require around 100 Firo’s, unless the price of Firo increases of course.


It will help with producing the podcast ‘Show Me The Firo’ and other various community interviews. It will save editing time and increase quality and project a better image for Firo. The account can also be used by any other trusted community member to record interviews etc. The Firo can be paid out to another community member instead of me, in order to pay for and manage the subscription service. Perhaps a Firo employee or member of dev team?


An annual riverside subscription the community can use to communicate the Firo message. We (me, Reuben & Lucas) tested last night on a ‘Show Me The Firo’ episode, and it’s way better quality than zoom.

Firo donation address is currently - aDZBv7ykBqEbrtAHEUgi6zi9Rijrt5VaTe

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Do link the FCS link. :slight_smile:

Sorry, here is the link.

I hadn’t posted the link because the status said it was ‘still seeking approval’.

If you like the Show me the Firo show, please consider donating!

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Yes usually it moves from seeking approval to funding open when we see a few people expressing interest in donating.