
‌ 我们都有一个共识,为了区块链科技的发展做出贡献,隐私保密将在区块链领域具有很大的权重。

我们经历了94 312暴跌依旧持有,暴跌时候维护了市场价格并不值得我们骄傲,因为暴跌时候没有对比。
何为发芽,应该是解放百分80的持有人,经过市场对比 ,区块地址分析,发芽价格为10U。(写此文时候价格为6.2U,但是有信心看到发芽)




为了2021,希望持币人提高共识 ,提高思想要有财富N倍增觉悟,努力宣传,为梦想干杯。

FIRO 飞熔币

项目由poramin和Aizesou为首核心开发团队创建了新一代隐私币FIRO,FIRO拥有先进的 PoW + PoS 机制,POS+POW双重机制验证,彻底解决了51攻击双花等安全问题。

同时FIRO拥有最高级别隐私技术,采用零知识证明为基础开发的 Lelantus 协议。解决区块链真实记录无法抹除的问题,该协议做到抹除真实交易记录,同时还兼具了区块总量可查的优势。

熔自古以来以真气存在,不见真身,代表着隐私的最高境界,符合Lelantus 协议气质。

同时我个人正在编辑 《 了解飞熔币FIRO》一书。

拿着币不卖仅仅是第一步,第二步 发动一切社交 资源 微信 推特 视频网站等等等 努力宣传,加油,加油。 :fist: :fist: :fist: :fist: :fist: :fist: :fist: :fist: :fist:


‌We all have a consensus that to contribute to the development of blockchain technology, privacy and confidentiality will have a great weight in the blockchain field. To
Every holder of FIRO Fei Rong Coins, since its birth in 2016, we have experienced a bull and bear crossing. Some people leave the market and others join, and Bitcoin is now close to a trillion dollars in market value.

An excellent currency is not only technically improved, but also lies in the sublimation of values.
We have gone through 94 312 plunges and still hold. Maintaining the market price during the plunge is not something we are proud of, because there is no comparison during the plunge.
When a hundred flowers bloom in the outside world, when the flowers are everywhere, and we have not yet sprouted, it is inevitable that we will feel stillness in our hearts.
What is germination should be the holder of 80% of the liberation. After market comparison and block address analysis, the germination price is 10U. (At the time of writing this article, the price was 6.2U, but I am confident to see the germination)
Germination is not only our purpose, we are to be towering trees, grow sturdily, and even the seeds form forests.

Every member tries his best to promote in some social media. It is a leap to develop from one person’s small actions to the whole.
It only takes a little time for people to understand FIRO.
There is no absolute banker for mining coins. Every coin holder is a banker. A good community group is a high-quality sublimation.

The small target of 300 U in 2021 will give those who have struggled for this goal the value they deserve.
Therefore, I hope that every holding currency will not abandon or give up, and strive for the goal. To

For 2021, I hope that currency holders will increase their consensus, and to improve their thinking, they must have wealth N doubled their consciousness, work hard to promote, and toast to their dreams.

FIRO Flying Coin

The core development team of the project led by poramin and Aizesou created a new generation of privacy coin FIRO. FIRO has an advanced PoW + PoS mechanism, POS + POW dual mechanism verification, and completely solved the security problems of 51 attacks and double spending.

At the same time, FIRO has the highest level of privacy technology, using the Lelantus protocol developed based on zero-knowledge proof. To solve the problem that the real record of the blockchain cannot be erased, the protocol can erase the real transaction record, while also having the advantage of the total amount of blocks that can be checked.

Since ancient times, Rong has existed with true energy without seeing the real body, representing the highest state of privacy and conforming to the temperament of the Lelantus agreement.

At the same time, I am personally editing the book “Understanding FIRO”.
to sum up
Holding the coin and not selling it is only the first step. The second step is to mobilize all social resources, WeChat, Twitter, video sites, etc. to work hard to publicize, cheer, cheer.


Thank you this is an excellent initiative!

Strictly speaking masternodes aren’t exactly PoS but can be considered as LLMQ ChainLocks but I understand the similarities.

While price is something the developer team has limited control of, I think with the weeding out of the old guard which were more focused on masternode returns rather than functioning as private cash is good especially during the bear season.

Looking forward to working more with the Chinese community.


要告诉所有的firo家人 把币提到钱包 。 :wink:

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Now that 2021 has passed, let’s look forward to 2022 and hope that the 300U goal can be achieved in 2022

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