Hello beautiful devs
I’m currently working on implementing FIRO inside miningcore (a very popular stratum mining pool).
I basically almost finished but i’m facing a little glitch in the matrix on the FIRO testnet.
If you look carefully at the following getblocktemplate, you will notice that there is a masternode payee which requires more amount than the coinbasevalue
So every time, i try to submit block, the daemon answers rightfully: bad-txns-vout-negative
[2023-06-11 01:28:30.0887] [I] [firo1] Submitting block 106031 [1644b7b6b33540a0a1e193a33f916cc64f5ae1b10b51da2e167b0cbac2514ff1]
[2023-06-11 01:28:30.0917] [W] [firo1] Block 106031 submission failed with: bad-txns-vout-negative
It would be quite helpful if that little issue could be fixed, i would love to complete all my testing