Firo propaganda

I think the argument is ‘for what reason would one want to send it?’ i.e. what can you buy with it? The coin(s) that will win long term will have an answer for this. (Note: I don’t think this is something for the Firo project can or should solve, other than implementing any missing pieces to help support applications trying to solve it)

When I think about Firo or any other coins and ecommerce, I would imagine most traditional eshops require some kind of assurance they will receive predictable amount in fiat as they pay taxes in it, they pay for supplies in it and they pay sallaries in it. Thats the reality.

Curse of crypto became high price (e.g. BTC, compare with few years price is multiple orders higher), that causes many people don’t want to use it as currency as they hope price will “go to moon”.

I see Firo’s potential more like privacy platform / framework. And I can see realistic many ecommerce businesses would accept BUSD or some other properly backed stablecoin on Firo Elysium network. Transfers will be instant, ecommerces will have guarantees of predictable price and people will get their privacy (as only madman would want to use ERC-20 tokens or any other transparent crypto for all purchases to let all world to see everything and thus become easy target for thieves or blackmailers)

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