Integration is complete on both Linux and Windows systems. OS X I have to catch up the branch by about 5 or so commits before the following commit is added to OS X. Will be able to do this on Thursday. After that, I can create the builds and test on each OS. This release will be v2 proper (not beta). Expected to have it on 11/14 for all OSes and will make this FCS proposal complete. Will update when that occurs.
UPDATE 9/11/2024:
All branches are caught up.
OS X (Apple Silicon) release of v2.0.0 is now out. Windows will follow on Saturday or Sunday and the github release page will be updated. As mentioned, building all the Linux flavors (Fedora, Ubuntu versions) because of GLIBC version dependencies takes about 7 hours between loading the VMs, copying the code and building the distribution packages.
Will have the following release page updated with all the packages and binaries by the FCS deadline of Wednesday. Anyone can test out the OS X release if they wish in the meantime.
Native FIRO payments have been thoroughly tested.
UPDATE: 11/11/2024
Windows build has been added to the github release. Linux builds on Monday.
Update 13/11/2024
All major builds are done. I also updated the integration to use 0 confirmations to speed up the process. Website has been updated with download links and the firo insignia on the download page. This proposal is now considered completed on our end.
We will be having the official Sentinel twitter and TG announcements channel make the official press release as this not only marks Firo integration but our proper v2 release. Should expect to see the announcement on Twitter on Thursday.