A new proposal has been posted to the Firo Crowdfunding System.
- Title: Market Making, Development and Research April 2023
- Author: reuben
- Proposal type: CFC
- Link: click here
Use this topic to discuss this proposal!
A new proposal has been posted to the Firo Crowdfunding System.
Use this topic to discuss this proposal!
15th April 2023
Firo Chan Reuben (01:23 pm)
@rehrar and @sproxet cannot vote due to conflict of interest as Rehrar runs Cypher Stack which provides some of these services to us and Sproxet is helping us as a freelancer to do some housekeeping. We are requesting 7225 FIRO (up from 7066 FIRO) to cover three items:
Dminer (Decentralized liquidity mining) campaign: USD3,400.00
Research: USD4,000
This covers the base retainer for one of our cryptographers. Note we have negotiated lower rates and these researchers can demand for much more at other companies but continue to work with us because of their belief of the project and the long term relationship we have established.
Development: USD9,000
This covers the cost of one junior developer and one senior developer (on flexible hours).
Currently, the CFC has the following funds:
In Pancakeswap liquidity pool
Nrsimha (01:32 pm)
Devwarrior (01:46 pm)
Current update on this proposal on Market Marking Development and Research April 2023
The CFC members have gathered and weighed in their decision for this proposal. Friendly reminder, there are currently 6 members in the CFC but to avoid any potential conflict of interest due to the fact that Cypher Stack provides some of the services to the core team, @rehrar has abstained from voting on this proposal along with @sproxet who is currently helping us as a freelancer to do some housekeeping.
Of the remaining 4 members of the CFC, 3 have voted in favor of this proposal.
Voted YES:
Haven’t voted:
3 out of 4 CFC members that are able to vote have decided to go through with this proposal, therefore this proposal has passed.
Status changed from ‘idea’ to ‘Funding Required’
Status changed from ‘Funding Required’ to ‘WIP’
Payment of 7225.0 FIRO sent
@rasikhmorani voted in favor of this as well.
Status changed from ‘WIP’ to ‘Completed’