A new proposal has been posted to the Firo Crowdfunding System.
- Title: Lucas, Firo English Community Manager
- Author: Lucas
- Proposal type: CFC
- Link: click here
Use this topic to discuss this proposal!
A new proposal has been posted to the Firo Crowdfunding System.
Use this topic to discuss this proposal!
Yes, no-brainer. Lucas is a treasure . . .
Yes, no-brainer. Lucas is a diamond . . . unreplaceable
Nice. Lucas seems to be a great fit from the little I know about him.
@sproxet @Fiendish @rasikhmorani @rehrar @RyanApeFiro @OhGodAGirl @nrsimha
Update on Lucas, English Community Manager’s proposal. 5 out of 7 CFC members approved the proposal, meeting the required quorum. Therefore, this proposal has passed. Thank you!
CFC Members who approved of the proposal:
1.) Nrsimha
2.) Sproxet
3.) Ryan
4.) Diego
5.) Fiend
Status changed from ‘idea’ to ‘Funding Required’
Status changed from ‘Funding Required’ to ‘WIP’
Payment of 1207.73 FIRO sent
Payment of 2092.27 FIRO sent
Status changed from ‘WIP’ to ‘Funding Required’
Due to a miscommunication with @Kayz the last payment of 2092.27 FIRO was sent in mistake. @DinkBlitz will make a new proposal to replace this one for the remaining period and the 2092.27 will be paid to the ‘new’ proposal.
The new proposal to finish out this proposal and correct the mistake: FCS - View proposal
Lucas CFC Report February.pdf (25.0 KB)
Lucas CFC Report March 2023.pdf (24.9 KB)
Status changed from ‘WIP’ to ‘Completed’