FCS Proposal - Firo Benin Meetup

A new proposal has been posted to the Firo Crowdfunding System.

  • Title: Firo Benin Meetup
  • Author: Boanerges
  • Proposal type: Marketing
  • Link: click here

Use this topic to discuss this proposal!

Nrsimha, [1/9/2025 1:43 AM]
Voting nay.

devwarrior, [1/9/2025 12:39 PM]

Reuben Yap, [1/9/2025 12:41 PM]
Any reason why we would want to negotiate the price down only to deny it later ?

Reuben Yap, [1/9/2025 12:42 PM]
If we weren’t comfortable better to just deny it outright then to have then reduce the pricing to the desired level only to reject it later

devwarrior, [1/9/2025 12:43 PM]
Information as to incentives.

Nrsimha, [1/9/2025 5:02 PM]
Others can still vote, it may be accepted. I didn’t negotiate on the price, but I voted nay because I don’t believe it will benefit FIro project enough.

Nrsimha, [1/9/2025 5:03 PM]
I didn’t want to incluence others by saying during negotiating time and even waited with vote, but when I saw nobody voted yet after hours I sent my vote.

devwarrior, [1/12/2025 12:30 AM]
So let’s vote …

devwarrior, [1/12/2025 12:30 AM]
Even at 2$ we have no extra money for nice-to-haves

devwarrior, [1/12/2025 12:31 AM]
I hate being the bad guy but we need to tighten the purse until 5$+

devwarrior, [1/12/2025 12:33 AM]
actually I do not ‘hate’ being the bad guy but if proposals do not bring significant measurable benefits I will oppose them. Sorry!

devwarrior, [1/12/2025 12:33 AM]
Love you all Firo fiends

devwarrior, [1/12/2025 12:36 AM]
What I would like to see for events in Africa is ppl who do events for free at their own cost as a way to show us their commitment to Firo and that the events they manage/produce have measurable benefits

devwarrior, [1/12/2025 12:37 AM]
For myself I have written a lot of code for Firo on DCRDEX … maybe 2 man months … For Free!

devwarrior, [1/12/2025 12:38 AM]
Match this commitment and I consider your next proposal valid.

devwarrior, [1/12/2025 12:39 AM]
Reputation is all on the internet … especially in crypto

Fiend ish, [1/12/2025 1:26 AM]
Good point.

Fiend ish, [1/12/2025 1:38 AM]
Agree. From what I understand, grants are currently subsidizing development expenses. Dev team is still running at a deficit at current Firo prices. Need to prioritize safe guarding continued development, so I’ll be voting nay for this proposal and any proposal similar to this.

Fiend ish, [1/12/2025 1:38 AM]

Fiend ish, [1/12/2025 1:40 AM]
Waiting on others to chime in.

:bulb: Update on Firo Benin Meetup by Boanerges

3 out of the 7 CFC members have weighed in and expressed their disapproval in the proposal while the other 4 members have not voted yet.

Voted Nay :no_entry_sign:

Have not voted :arrows_counterclockwise:

rehrar, [1/14/2025 6:27 AM]
Hmmmm…I’m torn here. It’s cheap, but I agree Firo should save it’s money.

rehrar, [1/14/2025 6:27 AM]
@Misericoalia DM me. I will fund this personally.

Boanerges Miserico, [1/14/2025 9:34 AM]
Done Sir

Boanerges Miserico, [1/14/2025 9:51 AM]
@rehrar provide us with the necessary funding for our event. Thank you so much for supporting the Firo Africa community.

Reuben Yap, [1/14/2025 10:10 AM]
Could have been done through the funding website ! (Even if not funded by CFC)

Boanerges Miserico, [1/14/2025 10:11 AM]
We’ll do what’s necessary