FCS Proposal - Extension of Design Services - VOSTO

A new proposal has been posted to the Firo Crowdfunding System.

  • Title: Extension of Design Services - VOSTO
  • Author: VostoEmisio
  • Proposal type: Design
  • Link: click here

Use this topic to discuss this proposal!


devwarrior, [1/24/2025 12:09 AM]
“Despite inflation over the last two years, we’ve chosen not to raise our hourly rate and will continue at our original price of $65/hour.”
Thank you Vosto for understanding our financial limits and being a true partner

devwarrior, [1/24/2025 12:10 AM]
Aye to this :100::100:

Fiend ish, [1/24/2025 1:55 AM]
Aye. Vosto has maintained a very high standard of work the last 2 years, with a fast turnaround time. Plus a lot of respect for not raising prices at this juncture. Keep doing what you’ve been doing. :+1:

Nrsimha, [1/24/2025 4:34 AM]

Rasikh Morani | Arcadia, [1/24/2025 7:21 PM]

Antibit, [1/25/2025 4:01 PM]
I’m stay Vosto, this guy has become close to me

Reuben Yap, [1/25/2025 4:02 PM]

Antibit, [1/25/2025 4:02 PM]
Fucking translator. Vosto Yes

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Status changed from ‘idea’ to ‘Funding Required’

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Status changed from ‘Funding Required’ to ‘WIP’

Payment of 577.0 FIRO sent