FCS Proposal - Develop Firo Plugin for BTCPay Server

A new proposal has been posted to the Firo Crowdfunding System.

  • Title: Develop Firo Plugin for BTCPay Server
  • Author: PrivacyExtremist
  • Proposal type: Design
  • Link: click here

Use this topic to discuss this proposal!


discussions from CFC telegram: Telegram: Contact @firocfc

rehrar, [12/11/2024 7:35 AM]
Yes. Price is insanely good and btcpay server is the good standard. Having a spark plug in is nothing but beneficial.

devwarrior, [12/11/2024 12:15 PM]
I think a cautious yes - for the future - at this time not many holders will buy goods and services when Firo may go on a run like 2017.

devwarrior, [12/11/2024 12:17 PM]
Are there any company/human gatekeepers as to who can use the plugin with a btcpay server?

devwarrior, [12/11/2024 12:19 PM]
… or is access to the server permissionless?

Reuben Yap, [12/11/2024 12:19 PM]
Btcpayserver is self hosted typically

Nrsimha, [12/11/2024 12:19 PM]
I would like to vote yes

Reuben Yap, [12/11/2024 12:19 PM]
I really would like to see this

Reuben Yap, [12/11/2024 12:19 PM]
Though milestone payments important

Nrsimha, [12/11/2024 12:20 PM]
But how is done with payment and code quality?

Nrsimha, [12/11/2024 12:20 PM]
Or is developer known to do good quality code?

Nrsimha, [12/11/2024 12:21 PM]
I mean is somebody reviewing code before payment is send?

Reuben Yap, [12/11/2024 12:28 PM]
We can help review

devwarrior, [12/11/2024 12:28 PM]
I can do a skim … not my best language but maybe does not have to be :wink:

devwarrior, [12/11/2024 12:28 PM]
C# by the way

Nrsimha, [12/11/2024 12:29 PM]

Fiend ish, [12/11/2024 12:29 PM]

devwarrior, [12/11/2024 12:30 PM]
cautious Aye

Antibit, [12/11/2024 2:10 PM]

1 Like

Status changed from ‘idea’ to ‘Funding Required’

:bulb: Update on Develop Firo Plugin for BTCPay Server by PrivacyExtremist

5 out of the 7 CFC members have weighed in and expressed their approval in support of advancing the proposal while the remaining 2 members have not voted yet.

Given that a majority has voted Aye for this proposal, It has Passed :white_check_mark:. Thank You :handshake:

Aye :white_check_mark:

Not yet voted :arrows_counterclockwise:

I would like to note that a Firo address has not been given.

You can acquire a Firo wallet from our website. Download | Firo - Privacy-preserving cryptocurrency

I recommend the Campfire wallet. A spark address would do.

Just confirming is the proposal creator proposing to do the development of this Firo Plugin or just an open bounty?

Status changed from ‘Funding Required’ to ‘WIP’

Yeah I wasn’t sure how this crowdfunding work.
I didn’t feel comfortable managing the donation address and felt it was better to have a firo project team member manage it as like I said I’m not sure how this all works besides being similar to other projects bounties.

Hey reuben, I do know some code but nothing like this would be my skill to develop. Someone in a private group chat on another platform mentioned that it would be a good idea and I strongly agree. I wanted to create the crowdfunding idea along the lines of strictly a bounty for this. So that myself and others could donate to get someone or some people to pick up this idea for it to come into fruition.

Anyway I was introduced to and have been holding firo since about a year ago. Since many projects are made up of unpaid volunteers/maintainers, I can understand getting burned out personally from experience. That said I like the idea of crowdfunding for open source projects to put an incentive on getting ideas and features that people want created or implemented.

Many notable coins that have plugins for BTCPay Server like Litecoin, Etherium, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Monero, and Dogecoin.