A new proposal has been posted to the Firo Crowdfunding System.
- Title: Core Development and Research November 2023
- Author: reuben
- Proposal type: CFC
- Link: click here
Use this topic to discuss this proposal!
A new proposal has been posted to the Firo Crowdfunding System.
Use this topic to discuss this proposal!
Status changed from ‘idea’ to ‘Funding Required’
Reuben Yap, [11/22/2023 1:54 AM]
Making our core team request for the month of november
Reuben Yap, [11/22/2023 1:54 AM]
Reuben Yap, [11/22/2023 1:54 AM]
It is slightly higher due to us wanting to get partial support for Cointelegraph coverage.
Reuben Yap, [11/22/2023 1:55 AM]
@Dev_Warrior @FiroFiend @Nrsimha @rehrar @sproxet @eagleblac @rasikhmorani
devwarrior, [11/22/2023 1:58 AM]
Kartal Eagle, [11/22/2023 2:03 AM]
Rasikh Morani | Arcadia, [11/22/2023 2:05 AM]
Nrsimha, [11/22/2023 2:18 AM]
Fiend ish, [11/22/2023 3:46 AM]
Current update on Core Development and Research November 2023
As this proposal comes from the Core team, a higher vote threshold is required which is 5 members out of 7 instead of the usual majority of votes. Given that 2 of the 7 members has abstained from voting, the remaining 5 committee members needs to cast their votes.
Given that all remaining CFC members have expressed their approval, the Ayes have it. This proposal is Passed. Thank you.
Voted Aye:
Payment of 5000.0 FIRO sent
Payment of 1968.17658649 FIRO sent
Payment of 900.00462979 FIRO sent
Payment of 4070.90283846 FIRO sent
Status changed from ‘Funding Required’ to ‘WIP’
Payment of 2774.92062273 FIRO sent
Status changed from ‘WIP’ to ‘Completed’