FCS Proposal - Bring FIRO back to masternodes.online

A new proposal has been posted to the Firo Crowdfunding System.

  • Title: Bring FIRO back to masternodes.online
  • Author: Michi
  • Proposal type: Marketing
  • Link: click here

Use this topic to discuss this proposal!

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If there will be another hard fork will they require us to pay again? If yes, it will be good to find how far potentially will be another hard fork. (For e.g. with Lelantus Spark).

i guess so. But who knows when Spark gets delivered. We all hope 2022 for sure, but could also be early 2023. I have asked them to get a discount for both, will let you know the response.

They will charge 500usd for both hard forks. Totally fair imho :point_up:

I thought so as well!
Anyway the proposal has passed. I have asked @DinkBlitz to touch base with them in case there is anything we need to provide to them and to request payment instruction.

Hopefully we can get Firo re-listed asap.

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I am all for this!

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Status changed from ‘idea’ to ‘Funding Required’

The Firo Community Fund has now funded this.

Awaiting payment instructions.

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Status changed from ‘Funding Required’ to ‘WIP’

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wow, very nice! i asked the guy on telegram if we should use the normal form:

i guess so. BTC is the only payment method as far as i can see. so we have to swap it first.

Nice proposal!

Payment of 200.00003794 FIRO sent


FIRO arrived and payment was made.

FIRO is already live again, and will get updated once Spark Hardfork will happen.
Ty for funding, now we are more visible again :heart_on_fire: :sunglasses:

Should i send the change directly to the community address?




Yes! Thanks for creating the proposal!

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Status changed from ‘WIP’ to ‘Completed’