Community Proposal - MyCryptoCheckout Integration. Let's start winning some grassroots mindshare!

Personnaly, I would be very very cautious with the phase 2 (build our own solution).

I think we should first test the water with a one year deal with MyCryptoCheckout and before renewing, see if it was worth it (750$). Is there some way to have usage statistic?

For phase 2, as a software architect, I would be very cautious if one of my dev would come to me and tell me he want to build a tool that alreay exist from scratch. Why?

Im sure that at first, he will develop a test version (POC) very fast and everyone will get excited. But, a POC and a production ready application is two completely differents things. An example of this is Elysium, Firo team is ironing bugs since months and I understand why.

To move that application from a POC to a production ready, we would need a lot of man hours. This application would need to be perfect since we are playing with user’s fund, its not a game. Also, every piece need to be 100% secure, Im sure hackers will try to take advantage of this application.

  • A lot of development would be needed
  • A lot of tests would be needed
  • We would need to provide documentations, how to use, how to debug, etc.
  • Would we provide all kind of plugins for different kind of e-commerce? If yes, that will be a lot of work to maintain because we would need to make sure that our plugins stay functionnal on each e-commerce release.
  • We would need to provide support to users (answering questions).
  • We would need to provide support to merchants (answering questions, explain them how it work, etc.).
  • We would need to have a maintenance team (update new wallets version (imagine if we support 25+ coins with all the update, fork, etc.), keep code framework up to date, keep servers up to date, improving the applications, fixing bugs, etc.)

Phase 2 is not a one time development but a project that a team would need develop, support and maintain. How can we do this with the little community fund that we are having? I dont think its a good idea to throw all our eggs (budget) in the same basket. Also, I dont think it fit the purpose of the firo community. Maybe Im wrong but I think the community should focus on project that can quickly deliver (fire and forget) instead of big projects that will require a lot of time and support after delivery.

Just my personnal opinion :slight_smile: