We will be having another Firo community meeting. We intend to place agendas in these forums prior to meetings so people can discuss to add/remove items and also summaries of the feedback received during meetings.
New threads will be created for each community meeting along with links to the Youtube stream.
Link to upcoming Community meeting stream on Youtube.
1. Hard Fork for FiroPoW and InstantSend
Our hard fork for FiroPoW is scheduled at October 26th, 6:00 UTC.
Miners will reject non instant send transactions on Block 421150.
2. Lelantus Spark Cryptography Audits
We are now considering several parties for auditing Lelantus Spark’s cryptography. We will be going through two proposals that we have received thus far and how they would be funded.
3. Emergency Switch Functionality
Please see discussion here.
4. Transition from Lelantus to Lelantus Spark
An overview of pros and cons of going from Lelantus > Transparent > Spark vs Lelantus > Spark migration of funds.
5. Redenomination Proposal
Please read this thread.
6. MAGIC Fund
We are exploring the possibility of introducing a MAGIC Fund (Multidisciplinary Academic Grants in Cryptocurrencies) to allow members to donate directly in USD/credit card and get tax deductibility. It also part of our effort to decentralize funding and development of the ecosystem away from the core Firo team. Justin Ehrenhofer will be presenting a rough overview of how MAGIC funding would work.
7. Firo Crowdfunding System
Relaunch of Firo Crowdfunding System to be more user friendly rather than relying on Github.
8. Other matters (time permitting)
Birthday, Partnerships, Panther Protocol, FinStreet, Mobile wallet, Tik Tok etc, Elysium, AtomicDEX, Monero Talk interview