KartalEagle Interview 3/10/23
Lucas Fullam, [3/10/2023 12:34 PM]
So the first question I have, is that we all know that nominees have to be a member of the community for a minimum of a year. That’s only part of the story, though. How long have you been a part of the Firo community, and what brought you to the Firo Project in the first place?
Eagle, [3/10/2023 12:35 PM]
I’ve been in the firo project for two years
Eagle, [3/10/2023 12:36 PM]
Was Firo drawing attention as a project? I knew privacy was freedom. I invested in Firo and started hanging out with the group for a while.
Eagle, [3/10/2023 12:39 PM]
And i met reuben he helped me and got my attention i started to review more firo
Eagle, [3/10/2023 12:40 PM]
And I decided to support firo. I decided to tell the Turkish society
Eagle, [3/10/2023 12:40 PM]
I decided to prepare a visual material on this subject.
Eagle, [3/10/2023 12:40 PM]
And I introduced it to Turkish society
Lucas Fullam, [3/10/2023 12:49 PM]
If you’re good for me to continue, my next question is: what are your favorite aspects of the Firo Project and community?
Eagle, [3/10/2023 12:53 PM]
Eagle, [3/10/2023 12:54 PM]
The firo Community is a confidential and helpful community. other communities exist to get started, but the firo community cares about the project.
Lucas Fullam, [3/10/2023 1:04 PM]
As you have a previous interview with Reuben from when you were a candidate for the first CFC, I will be bringing up some information from that interview into this interview in the near future to see what has changed for you since then to now.
What are your thoughts and opinions of the decisions of the previous CFC? Would you do something differently, if so, what?
Eagle, [3/10/2023 1:15 PM]
the current cfc team is not putting much thought into developing the firo community and project. They are interested in simple things. It’s like youtube but people are more on social media
Lucas Fullam, [3/10/2023 1:22 PM]
Interesting. Which proposals have they turned down that back what you’re saying, and how do you see those proposals helping Firo community and project development? Which social medias would you be most focused on having a stronger presence of Firo on?
Eagle, [3/10/2023 1:57 PM]
Young people mostly follow on Twitter and Instagram. for example cricket in india, golf in the usa and football in nba europe
Eagle, [3/10/2023 1:57 PM]
It’s taboo, budget is very important for such things, but we need to increase awareness
Eagle, [3/10/2023 1:58 PM]
communities with a small number of local communities are also weak
Eagle, [3/10/2023 1:58 PM]
your social media and advertising team is weak, we can use it more effectively
Eagle, [3/10/2023 1:59 PM]
visual materials can be prepared
Lucas Fullam, [3/10/2023 2:08 PM]
I apologize, but I am not understanding what you mean with Twitter and Instagram followed by cricket, golf, football. How do those sports overlap with Firo?
In what ways would you improve the effectiveness of social media and advertising for Firo? After all, the CFC can only vote on proposals, and if you yourself make a proposal you must recuse yourself from voting for that proposal. Would it be to support proposals that come along focused heavily on marketing?
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:09 PM]
wouldn’t focus heavily on marketing
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:10 PM]
develop the project first, then market it
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:10 PM]
meant partnership
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:11 PM]
Of course, everything will be done according to the budget.
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:11 PM]
If I become a CFC member, I will vote for reasonable offers. Our aim is to develop and expand the project.
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:13 PM]
I probably wouldn’t vote on my own proposals. But it would be nice to vote lol I shouldn’t victimize people who work with me I should consider inflation and other conditions
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:13 PM]
If I expect more service and more work, I must pay him well.
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:14 PM]
They should be satisfied with the price people get for their dedication to the project.
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:17 PM]
Additional questions
Lucas Fullam, [3/10/2023 2:22 PM]
I see. Based off of your interview from your first candidacy, I got the impression you were heavily interested in marketing as you expressed that marketing was necessary to get the project out there and well known, and with the popularity would come trust. From social media to billboards. Has your viewpoints on this changed, then?
When you say develop the project first, what is the line you have drawn where you think it is “complete”? The release of Lelantus Spark?
Just to clarify, you cannot vote your own proposals.
“If a CFC member is an applicant for funding, the member cannot vote on that proposal. Also, if a CFC member has a close relationship (e.g. family member, best friend, significant other, spouse) with the applicant for funding, the CFC member should disclose the relationship and put it to the other CFC members to decide whether the member should be allowed to vote or choose to abstain voluntarily.”
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:25 PM]
My point of view on the first question has not changed. In order for the marketing to be carried out, the project must progress to a certain stage and be expanded.
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:26 PM]
the project should have benefits to people and innovations it provides to people should be usable in real life
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:27 PM]
Lolentus spark and beyond
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:27 PM]
i was already joking i will approve my own offers
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:27 PM]
I know that
Lucas Fullam, [3/10/2023 2:30 PM]
Oh, okay haha. Sorry.
Lucas Fullam, [3/10/2023 2:31 PM]
So the next question, were there any particular initiatives previously funded by the CFC that you disagree with? If so, which?
Lucas Fullam, [3/10/2023 2:31 PM]
That is, proposals that the CFC approved to fund.
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:32 PM]
cfc never approved any of my offers anyway
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:32 PM]
I don’t have any approved offers
Lucas Fullam, [3/10/2023 2:33 PM]
What I mean is, of all of the proposals that the CFC have approved funding for, were there any that you disagreed with them funding?
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:34 PM]
My unconfirmed offers
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:34 PM]
They’re also very strict with offers from moderators while immediately approving offers from the core team.
Lucas Fullam, [3/10/2023 2:35 PM]
What I mean with this question is, are there any proposals that the CFC chose to fund that you did not agree with them funding?
Lucas Fullam, [3/10/2023 2:35 PM]
Do you mean the Market Making, Development, and Research proposals?
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:36 PM]
Frankly, cfc is not very effective for me, in fact, it does not have much authority.
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:36 PM]
But I agree with the offers they approved.
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:36 PM]
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:37 PM]
People care about market building and creating hype obviously people want to make money from the crypto industry
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:38 PM]
Half of the people don’t care about the project, they want to earn more
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:38 PM]
And he sees it as an investment vehicle
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:39 PM]
In order to be permanent in this market, we have to meet people’s expectations.
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:41 PM]
is there any other problem here it’s 00:40
Lucas Fullam, [3/10/2023 2:43 PM]
I will try to speed up for you haha.
Since you see marketing to be a thing for the future, after development, what sort of initiatives are you interested in funding and supporting at the immediate moment should you win a seat?
How do you see the future of the CFC, and for that matter, the Community Matching Fund?
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:45 PM]
I would like to divide the fund into macro and micro parts and list my priorities. I will determine the steps I will take in line with my priorities.
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:45 PM]
Project development + marketing indispensable duo
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:46 PM]
I’m going to marketing to get the money I’m going to need money to develop the project.
It’s a cycle and the two complete each other
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:47 PM]
The best free ad is a large and developed community
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:47 PM]
A strong community connects the project with people in all areas.Will tell and defend the project
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:49 PM]
My order would be like this
- project development
- Great group (firofan army)
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:51 PM]
With an effective firo community, we can overcome anything
Sorry, you don’t currently have an active community. Even in a charity campaign 50 firos are forcibly collected
Lucas Fullam, [3/10/2023 2:51 PM]
I certainly agree - a large devleoped community is a great form of free advertisement and that also increases the odds of having community members who are willing to market the project as you said. There is strength in numbers.
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:51 PM]
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:52 PM]
If we can grow the community, we won’t need to allocate additional budgets for advertising.
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:52 PM]
We’ll already have thousands of people making our free ads
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:53 PM]
Additional questions
Lucas Fullam, [3/10/2023 2:53 PM]
I assume you’re referring to the Turkish Aid and Relief efforts? There was more than 50 Firos donated, and none were forced? Nevertheless, we do only have a small active community and that certainly needs to be improved upon.
Lucas Fullam, [3/10/2023 2:53 PM]
How do you see the future of the CFC and Community Matching Fund?
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:54 PM]
I averaged the number. The number doesn’t matter, the important thing is to break a large army
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:55 PM]
We will either have the army of the USA or a European country without an army, which do you think makes sense?
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:56 PM]
cfc adds color to the community in terms of transparency
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:57 PM]
I believe that our community will grow in the future, for this a social media and marketing team should be established under your leadership.
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:58 PM]
Firo accounts should be enlarged more and they should share remarkable shares.
Eagle, [3/10/2023 2:59 PM]
While sharing, words that people can understand should be preferred. Technical words cause information pollution, understandable and plain language should be used
Lucas Fullam, [3/10/2023 2:59 PM]
Last question: do you have anything you would like to say that my questions did not cover? Anything you would like to say specifically to the readers and voters? Was there a topic we’ve covered that you would like to go back to and expand upon at all?
Eagle, [3/10/2023 3:00 PM]
The web page should be more interactive
Eagle, [3/10/2023 3:01 PM]
Visitors to our web page should explain the project with a 3-length animation with different language options.
Eagle, [3/10/2023 3:01 PM]
Global group should promote local groups from time to time
Eagle, [3/10/2023 3:04 PM]
firo is a project with a stance and purpose. will act together with the people working for this purpose.
Eagle, [3/10/2023 3:06 PM]
I would like to thank all my friends who supported me due to the earthquake and helped me, as we support each other, our family ties get stronger and will continue to get stronger.
Lucas Fullam, [3/10/2023 3:07 PM]
Thank you for taking the time to offer up your services and energy, Kartal. Thank you for staying up so late to complete the interview with me. Best of luck with the election!