I have a Rocky-Linux with 2 existing ipv4-adresses on eth0.
the bash-command: ip --br addr
eth0 UP x.x.x.x/32 y.y.y.y/32
I like to bind the first firo-daemon to ip x.x.x.x and the second firo-daemon to ip y.y.y.y.
Is there a config-parameter for firo.conf existing to bind to specific ip?
At the moment both firo-daemons are binding to the first ipv4 address.
Therefor only one deamon is able to run at the same time.
I set on firo.conf of the first daemon: externalip=x.x.x.x:8168
I set on firo.conf of the second daemon: externalip=y.y.y.y:8168
…but this is not for binding to the interface-ipv4 address.
Thanks for help.
Probably there is somewhere a document describing the setup of multiple Firo Masternodes on the same Server (without docker).
Probably there is somewhere a document describing the possible and hidden config-hook of firo.conf?
Thanks for help.
You can try bind=x.x.x.x
Additional firo.conf settings can be seen by running firod --help
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