About this idea of blocking masternodes and about avoiding the closure of many masternodes during certain strong increases in FIRO.
It’s true that since the FIRO masternodes existence, I remember at least 2 times where the number of masternodes fell by 10% in less than a week. Ultimately it is few and in my opinion it does not justify a blocking period for all masernodes.
If we want to limit these grouped masternodes sales, rather than penalizing masternode owners, we could reward them, for their fidelity. For example, by giving them a bonus after 1 month, 1 quarter, 1 semester, 1 year and every year after (based on the date of the 1,000 FIRO collateral transaction). If these bonuses are incentive, masternode owners will prefer to wait for the bonus than sell their collateral.
Personally, it would seem normal that fidelity is rewarded for masternodes: collateralizing 1,000 FIRO for 7 days is good, collateralizing 1000 FIRO for 1500 days is even better, much better (and proof that we did not sell its masternodes during the rising phases).