PSA: Don't update your Ledger's Firo/Bitcoin app to 2.0.4 [FIXED]

We are currently investigating reports of Electrum Firo not working with the new Ledger app for Firo and we are in touch with Ledger.

If you need to access Electrum Firo, please remain on Bitcoin/Firo app version 2.0.3 for now.

EDIT: This problem was fixed in Bitcoin/Firo app version 2.0.5.


This is not only ledger, also an issue with Trezor: Can not access funds with Trezor?!

Please also test that Firo works with Trezor, this is not the first time there has been issues with Firo and Trezor. I still have a lot of Firo that I can not spend with Trezor because of a previous bug.