Final Poll on Firo Block Reward Division

While I would have preferred a larger proportion of the block reward to go to miners, I am the most excited about the community fund and would rather the block reward go towards empowering the community to build things for Firo and be paid for it. This is why I have personally voted for a larger community fund.

Let’s agree that in 6 months time, we will evaluate these changes to see if it has worked and we should be open to honestly assess the impact of the outcome of this poll and be open to readjusting.

I personally don’t think rewarding masternodes overly is the way to go and would have preferred something like

:pick:35% | :policeman:40% | :family: 10% | :technologist:15%

but as it wasn’t a popular choice, I have not placed it as an option.

Note that with these changes, if there’s no price rise, it is likely to see even more centralization of mining hash power into the remaining pools that choose to continue to operate.

With masternodes given more of the block reward (which are existing holders) it is up to you guys to protect Firo and hodl or do something with it. You guys said that you’re the most loyal members of Firo, now is the time to show it! A big thanks to those who donated to the Donation Drive! Why Bitcoin and Ethereum worked with PoW is that in the earlier years, it was the mining pools that were funding development and giving back to the projects they support. Arguably Mintpond has been the only pool to really do that while we acknowledge the small donations from 2miners.

Some miners ask, why should they support a project that doesn’t support miners? Well, Firo has been committed to defending GPU mining for 5 years+ now and one of the very few projects to do so, so the question should be, why aren’t miners supporting the project back? Why then are GPU miners supporting overwhelmingly Ethereum which have abandoned miners?

The core team hasn’t been asking a lot. The very first step is to decentralize your hash-rate which costs nothing. Maybe it’s because miners have not been following the project updates which is why this switch is a good last chance since it would involve a hard fork and is mandatory and you can read the notes of what happened.

If after the hard fork, the current status quo stays the same and hashrate remains concentrated, regardless of the values that PoW represents, it would be a clear sign that they were no longer the supportive community they used to be and we probably should be thinking about appealing to other forms of PoW (ASIC or CPU?) or just change consensus completely.