FCS Proposal - Mining Pool Bonus - Operation Decentralize Hashrate

The continuation of the 10% block reward bonus campaign
@Fiendish @rehrar @OhGodAGirl @RyanApeFiro @nrsimha @rasikhmorani @sproxet

On 12th September 2022, Firo launched a 10% block reward bonus campaign with the aim to decentralize hashrate. Initially, this campaign was supposed to end on 12th October 2022, making it a special one-month bonus campaign for participating pools. On the second week of the event, the continuation of the program until at least the amount set aside for it is exhausted has been brought up as a discussion topic by The CFC members. Hence, the majority of the CFC members have voted in favor to continue the reward bonus campaign. Resulting of their votes, it is confirmed that this campaign will keep on going until all funds are exhausted. Thank you.