FCS Proposal - Filipino Community Manager April-June

A new proposal has been posted to the Firo Crowdfunding System.

  • Title: Filipino Community Manager April-June
  • Author: LukeFiro_PH
  • Proposal type: CFC
  • Link: click here

Use this topic to discuss this proposal!

Do you know how many people in your group use Firo for remittance from abroad? That would be a great direction to encourage. Any Philippines exchanges cash Firo for pesos?


hi devwarior sir, regarding people in my group who use firo for remittance I’m not sure for the numbers but i know there’s a lot in my group who hold and use firo to pay debt online and in regards with the Philippine Exchanges cash FIRO to Peso there is called Coins.ph one of the largest Crypto Exchange in the Philippine but firo is not listed yet . Coins.ph is the simplest way to buy, sell, and store cryptocurrency in the Philippines. Buy crypto for as little as ₱5.

Is there any chance firo will be launched in the Philippines?

@Fiendish @nrsimha @devwarrior @rasikhmorani @sproxet @rehrar

The latest update on this proposal

Voted YES:

  1. Rasikh
  2. Fiend
  3. Sproxet
  4. Diego Rehrar
  5. Devwarrior
  6. Nrsimha

All of the CFC members have voted in favor of this proposal. Therefore, this proposal has passed. Thank you!

Could you clarify what do you mean by ‘launch’?

Whether to go online trading on the trading platform in the Philippine market

Status changed from ‘idea’ to ‘Funding Required’

Status changed from ‘Funding Required’ to ‘WIP’

Payment of 100.0 FIRO sent

Payment of 100.0 FIRO sent

Payment of 100.0 FIRO sent